Synchronous Verrucous Carcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Penis by Different Human Papillomavirus Infections
Korean J Urogenit Tract Infect Inflamm 2013 Apr;8(1):52-4
Published online April 30, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Korean Association of Urogenital Tract Infection and Inflammation.
Yumi Seo, Gil Ho Lee
Department of Urology, Dankook University College of Medicine, Cheonan, Korea
Correspondence to: Gil Ho Lee
Department of Urology, Dankook University Hospital, 201, Manghyang-ro, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan 330-715, Korea
Tel: +82-41-550-6630, Fax: +82-41-551-6630 E-mail:
multiorigins@yahoo.comNo potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Received March 19, 2013; Revised April 3, 2013; Accepted April 3, 2013.
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